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漫威粉控诉PG ONE万磁王外号侵权 PG ONE万磁王侵权是怎么回事

更新:2017-10-06 14:54:07来源:中国影视周刊作者:剧情1哥

最因为《中国有嘻哈》而爆火的选手PG One可以说是直接晋级到流量小生的地步了,随着PG One的影响力不断的扩大,关于PG One的各种负面消息和争论也随之爆出了。之前有rap中带有“吸毒”“毒品”的字眼就引起了不小的争议,还一度上了微博热搜。而后来被人指出之前在比赛的时候歌词对已故歌手姚贝娜有着不尊重的意思,让人觉得实在是太low,而随着PG One的影响力的不断扩大,漫威宇宙的粉丝也开始对“万磁王”这个称呼有所不满了。这是怎么回事?一起来看看吧!

漫威粉控诉PG ONE万磁王外号侵权 PG ONE万磁王侵权是怎么回事

万磁王?PG One?

随着PG One人气的不断高涨,PG ONE的外号“万磁王”也受到了很大的争议。因为在PG ONE成名之前,万磁王这个称呼一直指的都是美国漫威漫画旗下超级反派,初次登场于《X战警》第1期,是许多漫威粉中一直以来美好的印记。

漫威粉控诉PG ONE万磁王外号侵权 PG ONE万磁王侵权是怎么回事

而PG ONE成名之后,不仅有越来越多的商家和宣传媒体都用“万磁王”这个名字来消费PG ONE了,越来越多的人称呼PG ONE为“万磁王”而相关搜索也随之被PG ONE的相关信息所占据,引起了漫威粉丝的很大不满。


而促使漫威粉丝爆发的还是在近日,PG ONE的粉丝成功申请了微博万磁王的超级话题,并且删除了了话题里部分漫威电影角色万磁王的相关微博。据悉,该粉丝主持人还和pgone本人互关。

漫威粉控诉PG ONE万磁王外号侵权 PG ONE万磁王侵权是怎么回事




漫威粉控诉PG ONE万磁王外号侵权 PG ONE万磁王侵权是怎么回事

粉丝开始收集了PG ONE成名之后用侵权名称“万磁王”进行广告宣传的证据,并且准备提交给漫威,让漫威维权。




漫威粉控诉PG ONE万磁王外号侵权 PG ONE万磁王侵权是怎么回事

文字投诉模板:In the last 3 months a reality show called 《The Rap of China》(中国有嘻哈)which was initially intended to popularize the hiphop culture has gone viral on the Chinese Internet . A lot of Chinese rappers who participated in this show became really famous and went into the public view.They gained much more publicity and fame than before via this show and had more opportunities to hold performances throughout the country.

This is just the background ,the thing that really drew my attention and got me really angry is that one of those rappers in this show calls himself PG One aka 万磁王。 The Chinese phrase ”万磁王“ is actually the official translation of Magneto. THE MAGNETO.

The picture attatched is the homepage of this rapper on weibo and the black circle I drew on this picture is his personal introduction which says "万磁王“(Magneto)。 I did not watch the reality show or pay attention to it before. But I am a fan of Marvel comics and I really love the character Magneto so it's totally untolerable for me .Now he has 3.5 million followers on weibo ,and all those fans like to call him Magneto.Every time he introduces himself he calls himslef Magneto on different occasions.

And what happened today makes me feel outrageous ,on weibo there was a hashtag #万磁王# but now all those pictures、videos、all kind of information about Magneto were deleted and replaced by the stuff related to this rapper.

漫威粉控诉PG ONE万磁王外号侵权 PG ONE万磁王侵权是怎么回事

I did some research on google and found this email address and by writing this e-mail I hope that you can pay atterntion to this incident and decide if this could be defined as infringement of Marvel's character‘s name.

而PG ONE方面也确实是用过万磁王这个名字做过雅诗兰黛、蜘蛛侠电影以及麦当劳的宣传,这似乎已经触及到了侵权的法律界限,不过后续会怎么发展还要看看相关法律的规定。

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